
figs1023 t1_iy3ro2t wrote

Dude never take your car to a dealership for repairs. Ride that accord until it dies while saving money for a down payment for a new car. Any penny you save will mean less interest you need to pay. Use that time to shop around for a really good deal and take to credit unions for a good loan


figs1023 OP t1_iuixd2w wrote

It would technically be a $500,000 home, since it is being split equally between me and my partner. A $150,000 down payment leaves me with a $350,000 loan. That's a $2,446 monthly payment.

We would probably seek to find something where we could rent a room out (avg $1,000/month where we live, which would bring the loan down to $2,000/month for me), or buy the house and rent the entire thing out until our equity is high enough to afford to live in the whole house (or until rates are low enough to refinance and comfortably afford the monthly payments).