
fishonthesun OP t1_jacwqke wrote

I thought I was doing a good job tracking my money spending but after a couple months of asking "where tf is my money going" repeatedly, I've started collecting receipts.

As far as splitting paychecks between multiple accounts, that hasn't been going well- not enough put into one account to pay 'x' bill, not enough in the other account to cover that bill plus other bills, etc., so I think having a checking and a savings at one bank would be helpful. No more transferring from one bank to another and waiting 5 days for it to arrive. That's made me late on a payment twice now.

As far as budgeting, it's difficult when my second job doesn't bring in the same amount each week, and since I choose my schedule day-of working, and each order pays a different amount, there isn't a way to plan that out. Although, I could set a budget as though I only have one job. That might make saving easier, too. Any extra from the second job could go straight to savings since I wouldn't be relying on it for bills.

Thanks for the comment, it's got me thinking about things I hadn't before (:


fishonthesun OP t1_jacpfqu wrote

Thank you for the support and reassurance (:

As far as roommates go- it's something I'll look into for the future if my situation doesn't improve enough to go without them. I'm really hesitant to do it though- my mental health has always taken a huge dive whenever I've lived with someone else. Even though I'm still a bit depressed at the moment, I haven't been as happy as I am now since I was like... 7 years old. Plus, if I get a/some roommate/s, and I get severely depressed again, I'll end up working a lot less and probably be in the same, if not worse, situation. Plus, I would have to break lease early to move out and get roommates, and that's not an option atm- no savings. BUT I'm not trying to dismiss thos out of hand- I'll give it serious consideration in the future.

As far as selling stuff goes, I've sold what I can, but a majority of the items I've tried to sell are only valuable to me. Getting rid of them doesn't solve anything and selling them just isn't happening, although I will keep trying at it.

Thanks again!


fishonthesun OP t1_jackv1z wrote

Okay, these are great options, thank you! For moving back in with parents, I'd have to abandon my whole life and be miserable- my home town is a place where a lot of trauma happened to me, and my PTSD symptoms increase dramatically as do my depressive symptoms while I'm there longer than a weekend.

Everything else you've suggested is worth looking into, thank you! I'll be screenshotting your comment so I don't forget, haha


fishonthesun OP t1_jackhsd wrote

I do have a therapist and a psychiatrist, as well as a fantastic support system, so those bases are covered, it's more of a "doing the things I need to do to improve my mood and wait for the depressive episode to gradually lift" thing.

Unfortunately selling my car isn't an option- 30 mile commute to my job, no public transport to get me there. Plus, it's not in great shape right now and wouldn't get me enough money to get a car other than one that would be in the shop all the time and cost me more over time than just keeping my current one.

I have been thinking of getting rid of the credit card once it is paid off, that's probably what I'll do. Making loan payments is how my credit score got to 735 in the first place, and I've unfortunately demonstrated credit cards are a bad option for me, at least at this point in my life.

As far as low income housing, I did apply for all the places near me, and didn't hear back from any of them despite multiple, multiple attempts to get a hold of them.