
fitzmouse t1_j6jd7xs wrote

My toddler managed to keep me out of bed most of the night by constantly waking up and making a ruckus through the house. Finally got him to settle down by cuddling next to him until he asked me to go sleep on the recliner next to his bed.

His sleep regressions in the past year have been more difficult for me personally than anytime when he was a newborn.


fitzmouse t1_j671af6 wrote

Just finished my weekly dj stream/set. I've purged some stress, and will probably chip away at death stranding for an hour or so before bed.


fitzmouse t1_j6714i5 wrote

Reply to comment by fusion260 in The Night Thread by Asterion7

Tlou is the one game I wish I could experience for the first time again. I've played it so many times since launch.

And I'm really enjoying the show! I remember saying to myself please don't suck, please don't suck before the premiere.