
fjccommish t1_j04eraf wrote

From scientists:

"A new study published recently by three veteran researchers reveals that "EPA's basic claim that CO2 is a pollutant is totally false.""

"The authors - Drs. Jim Wallace, John Christy and Joe D'Aleo - stated there is "very, very little doubt but that EPA's claim of a Tropical Hot Spot, caused by rising atmospheric CO2 levels, simply does not exist in the real world.""


fjccommish t1_isx1hby wrote

What is your claim about how the universe began and how life on Earth began?

Those aren't arguments I made. Those are facts.

Find a pen that made itself. If a simple pen can't make itself, then a cell that's thousands of times more complex than a pen can't make itself, much less a life that's trillions of cells working together.


fjccommish t1_iswivtd wrote

Who is they?

The creator is outside the creation. The guy who invented the computer isn't inside the computer.

Evilutionism holds that life created itself from nothing.

Creation truth accepts that there was a creator.


fjccommish t1_isvz7ny wrote

Of course I do.

Life didn't spring from rocks. Whales and bananas didn't evolve from a single cell.

We never observe one kind becoming another. God created humans. They didn't evolve from a common ancestor with monkeys.


fjccommish t1_isvz0ar wrote

If you found a pen on the ground, you'd agree it was created. Life is far more complex than a pen is, yet many think life came from rocks.

The universe is infinitely more complex than a pen, yet many think the universe exploded from nothing, nowhere, never.

Complex things have creators. The creation proves a creator.