
flaagan t1_je2aitc wrote

I miss the site from before that dipshit took over. I followed interesting people and cool artists, and felt like there was an opportunity to actually communicate with them. I was able to keep tabs on projects multiple indie artists and devs were working on, and get useful responses to my inquiries from reps for large corporations.

Fuck Musk.


flaagan t1_jbgcaea wrote

>Nowadays it has the near-monopoly on web forum content to retain users
>despite newer horrendous layout design.

The funny thing about that is that I would likely never use Reddit for something that I would typically go to an existing forum for, you're not going to find the same type of community and interactions here you would find on a topic-dedicated forum, much less the granular level of discussion and information you'd likely be looking for.


flaagan t1_j621elw wrote

Yup, but they'll never go after them, just like they don't chase them down for speeding. Had a motorcycle cop pull me over when I was going the same speed as the rest of traffic, but refused to comment on the motorcyclist that had just blown past him doing what I would estimate is 20+ mph faster than the rest of traffic. Cop sure loved grinning about pulling over a Corvette, though.


flaagan t1_j45rxw9 wrote

I use one in my workshop and even there the screen doesn't get dirty enough to be concerned by it. If you're on the stand or holding it properly they're relatively stable. The thickness is not noticeable, considering touch display features do not add enough thickness to even concern any average consumer with.


flaagan t1_j443fwx wrote

Will say that I personally have a Surface Book 2, a Surface Pro 5, and occasionally use a Surface Pro 2 at work. On both the Pro's, despite it technically being easier to flip them to full tablet (just yank off the mag keyboard), I find that the slightly larger and heavier Surface Book feels more comfortable for doing 'walk-around' tablet mode. Sitting down with the Surface Book 2 on a table I will literally switch between the keyboard, touchscreen, and the wireless mouse I have connected to it on the fly, different actions feel more natural between each.


flaagan t1_j268vla wrote

I will never stop hating that companies that make apps and websites somehow glommed onto the "tech" and "Silicon Valley" monikers, much less that "Silicon Valley" somehow magically moved from the south and east bay up to San Francisco. Those titles belong to the companies actually making the electronics and silicon in the valley, who are still around and doing quite well.