
flexpercep t1_j4z8rqh wrote

Fucking liberals and their woke mind disease thinking the poors need to be treated like human beings. If God wanted the poors to have a good life they would have been born rich, trying to change that is upsetting the natural order…God has a plan for all of us and the poors serve their role of giving the rest of us a feeling of superiority. And here you are trying to take my emotional support poors away from me. /s


flexpercep t1_iygiqlk wrote

I work at cox on the psych floors. If you are willing to work evenings or overnights, can pass a piss test and don’t have a criminal record it’s a pretty good gig. 15.75 base wage but with a shift differential it’s higher and there’s a 500$ sign on bonus. Message me if you’re interested for a referral.