
floppybunny86 t1_jaf2je8 wrote

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You are 18 years old.

Your life is just starting. Wanting to be single at your age is a totally normal feeling. And there is nothing wrong with breaking up with your BF if that is what you want. You don’t have to stay with him just because he makes you happy, or he is a nice guy. Both of those things can be true, but it doesn’t mean you need to stay if you don’t want to.


floppybunny86 t1_jab8qdp wrote

>I’m just trying to understand what I did wrong that made him lose interest in me

Simply put, you did nothing wrong.

Things change. People change. Emotions change.

It's not a bad thing, but it is life.

You are both still so young, and who you are at 19 is different to who you were at 16. And who you are at 19 is going to be different to who you are at 22.

If he doesn't know if he wants to be in a relationship, then you can take control of the situation for yourself and end it.

Focus on yourself, and you will eventually find someone who wants to be with you.