
flunky_the_majestic t1_j7o5kke wrote

Schools in the US often use an eTLD, "effective top level domain", which, although they have multiple levels, they are used as though they were a TLD like .com. The eTLD for schools is k12.{state}.us.

So if they use a www subdomain for their website, you can have lots of dots. I like these domains though, because they are generally unspoofable. You know for sure it's a real school domain if you see it.

Mozilla maintains the de facto authoritative list of these domains in a document called the Public Suffix List. That document has a real effect on how the Internet treats those domains.


flunky_the_majestic t1_iumvul3 wrote

Personal Preference: Lots of people think it's gross to eat a muscle or organ from an animal, but enjoy milk, cheese, and eggs. This may also include moral reasons about the animals.

Health preference: Some believe a vegetarian lifestyle is healthier, since it may reduce carcinogens associated with meat consumption while maintaining more protein options.

Health Limitations: some conditions such as gout, allergies, and tick-borne diseases make it difficult or impossible for some people to maintain their health on a meat diet. But eggs, cheese, and milk may still be an option for them.


flunky_the_majestic t1_iqxavpq wrote

But you do, in fact, put one on your kid when you're in a position to do so. And probably even a passed-out stranger next to you. But this advice is like telling you to put on your oxygen mask, then not help anyone else with theirs because they should have to figure it out for themselves.