
fodahmania t1_je6eise wrote

I’m not trying to change your opinion, but Diver Down is one of my favorite Van Halen albums! It’s such a fucking massive hubris project and if you approach it as a pile of ego and cocaine, then, I don’t know, it makes sense and if that then wins you over, it’s such a hilarious rollercoaster ride of a record. I mean, for me, I have to approach all of the Van Halen records (the first six, whatever happens after 1984 never happened in my book) with a certain amount of role playing to really allow them to enter my mind or vice versa, and that being said, the more what the hell are they even thinking right now, the better.


fodahmania t1_jallf3e wrote

It is funny that you specifically demanded citations and then try to make me appear lazy by saying that I just copypasta’d. What did you want me to do, write a little dissertation for you? Anyway: ”We also consider the relevance of spatial and TEMPORAL scales and data collection methods when evaluating the results of these studies.”, this in itself implies that the reindeer don’t ”get used to it”. If you wanted to know more, i included a link in which you’ll find the following information:

”Avoidance of an area with good pasture will evidently result in either increased animal density in alternative areas or use of areas that are otherwise abandoned and presumably of less good quality. Even if reindeer have access to seemingly (to the human eye) high quality pasture, there are large variations in nutritional quality between different plants and plant parts. White (1983) has elegantly illustrated the multiplier effect of the animals’ ability to select highly digestible forage. Using an example associated with reindeer grazing, the author demonstrates how a small increase in plant digestibility (14 %), more than doubles the projected body weight gain. High animal density, restricted availability of edible plants or a smaller portion of plants with high nutritive quality will ultimately impair animal nutrition and negatively affect future survival and reproduction.

During periods of nutritional stress, animals will be especially sensitive to disturbance. As described in Vistnes and Nellemann (2001), and Skarin et al. (2008, 2013), the calving period is a time when female reindeer are particularly sensitive to disturbance. The energy demand associated with lactation is high, and the growth of new vegetation has just started (White 1992). Any disturbance that prevents the female from using the available pasture will thus be detrimental. ”


”However, to date, there is little proof of increased tolerance among wild reindeer at the regional scale (Vistnes and Nellemann 2008). For example, wild reindeer in Norway were shown to avoid 10 alpine ski resorts during a 20-year period and did not come back to these areas until ski trails and associated cabins were removed (Nellemann et al. 2010). ”

These are from this study:


fodahmania t1_jalgwc5 wrote

Except you are wrong, because they WILL kill off the reindeer, as the development of windmills and other large scale infrastructure reduce the reindeers grazing areas, which means more reindeer will graze in the same areas, meaning there won’t be enough lichen to sustain all of them. This in turn means that you also kill the livelyhood of many sami. Also, the NIMBY argument is especially ridiculous, since the people who actually want the windmills are putting them very far away from their own neighborhoods.


fodahmania t1_jal46nf wrote

Alright then: ”Results During construction of the wind farms, use of original migration routes and movement corridors within 2 km of development declined by 76 %. This decline in use corresponded to an increase in activity of the reindeer measured by increased step lengths within 0–5 km. The step length was highest nearest the development and declining with distance, as animals moved towards migration corridors and turned around or were observed in holding patterns while not crossing. During construction, reindeer avoided the wind farms at both regional and landscape scale of selection.

Conclusions The combined construction activities associated with even a few wind turbines combined with power lines and roads in or close to central movement corridors caused a reduction in the use of such corridors and grazing habitat and increased the fragmentation of the reindeer calving ranges.”

And also:

”The establishment of the two small WFs in the calving range clearly changed reindeer habitat selection.”

And also:

”In order to examine the domesticated reindeer’s reactions to various disturbance sources, we reviewed 18 studies of the effects of human activity and infrastructure on 12 populations of domesticated reindeer and compared these to studies on wild reindeer and caribou; based on this, we discuss the effects of domestication and tameness on reindeer responses to anthropogenic disturbance. We also consider the relevance of spatial and temporal scales and data collection methods when evaluating the results of these studies. The reviewed studies showed that domesticated reindeer exhibit avoidance behaviours up to 12 km away from infrastructure and sites of human activity and that the area they avoid may shift between seasons and years. Despite a long domestication process, reindeer within Sami reindeer-herding systems exhibit similar patterns of large-scale avoidance of anthropogenic disturbance as wild Rangifer, although the strength of their response may sometimes differ. This is not surprising since current Sami reindeer husbandry represents an extensive form of pastoralism, and the reindeer are not particularly tame.”