
foospork t1_jc7a1td wrote

I live in the forest in Virginia.

If you go outside at night and shine a bright light, you’ll see hundreds of little green sparkles - the green color you see if you burn copper. I always thought these green sparkles were water droplets, dew, on the leaves on the forest floor.

One night I noticed that a particularly large sparkle seemed to move a little, so I bent down to see it closer.

I discovered that the green sparkles were the eyes of wolf spiders, these large but harmless spiders that are common around here.

I then realized that ALL of those hundreds of green sparkles were spiders’ eyes. Hundreds and hundreds of them.

And then that big one made a run at me.

I got back in the house real quick.

So, yeah: those woods in the picture are probably full of thousands of spiders, you just can’t see them in this photo.


foospork t1_ja4zzr9 wrote

I browse reddit on mobile. Most of these articles are unreadable on mobile.

I assume a lot of folks are like me and hope that some kind computer user has scraped the article into the comments.

Of course, everyone should have the sense to refrain from commenting when they have no knowledge of what’s actually in the article.


foospork t1_j5mkz4f wrote

With unicorn panties on the table, what were they to do? I’d do a lot of dishonorable things for unicorn panties. (Who am I kidding? I HAVE done dishonorable things for unicorn panties.)

Joking aside, I always try to be careful judging individuals by group tendencies. Doing otherwise is a slippery slope.


foospork t1_j5kjro5 wrote

Are you familiar with the theory of “jungle” culture vs. “desert” culture? It popped up in the media about 25 years ago.

The general idea is that if life is relatively easy (jungle culture), you end up with “honor-based” cultures, where people are very motivated by the perceptions of others.

In desert culture, life is very hard, so the culture tends to value pragmatism over appearance. (Note that cold, icy climate would be considered “desert” culture. Desert culture is just a way of saying “an environment that will kill you in an instant if you let your guard down. Food and shelter are not easy to come by.”)

It’s an interesting theory. It may have been ripped apart since the 90s, but, because it confirmed my own observations, I kinda liked it. (In the 1980s I worked with a lot of Americans, South Asians, East Asians, Arabs, Brits, and Scandinavians.)


foospork t1_j3choxo wrote

The site is near Hune, a village near Blokhus, a beach resort town in NW Denmark.

Hune has a really nice sculpture garden. Every year they build a huge sand sculpture. Yes, it’s a bit of a tourist trap, but it’s a really nice tourist trap.

If you should ever find yourself near Blokhus or Løkken, I recommend taking a couple of hours away from the beach and check out the artwork.


foospork t1_j2sr7a2 wrote

IIRC, the phone system was modified in the 90s to allow multiple area codes in one geographic area.

As late as the late 1970s, in some areas, if you were calling a different number in the same exchange, all you had to dial was the last 4 digits. For example, if your number was 555-1212 and you wanted to call 555-1234, all you had to dial was 1234.


foospork t1_iy9a1vr wrote

I’ve been in the industry for 40 years. It’s been like this for my entire career.

I was at a very good company in the 80s and 90s. It was an open secret there that the only way to get a raise was to leave for a year or so, and then come back. Lots of people did.

At this company, having a low employee number was kind of a thing. If you came back within 18 months, you got to keep your old employee number, your vesting, the number of days of PTO, your retirement fund employer contributions, etc. A lot of folks made sure to come back within 18 months.


foospork t1_ixiu2rz wrote

I’ve been watching Tangier Island, VA (near Crisfield, MD) fade away over the past 10 years.

IIRC, it’s been inhabited by European settlers since the 1600s. It was used as a base by the British during their attack on Washington during the War of 1812.

Tangier Island looks like another place that will soon succumb to this fate.


foospork t1_iqn5cni wrote

I still do. I think I bought it in 1987 or so. It’s a pain to clean. I only use it when I want to ensure a large number of thin, uniform slices.

Also, the tendency of the blade to not get to the bottom of whatever it is that you’re cutting is annoying. You have to keep flipping the food over, unless you want this big flap of uncut food at the bottom.