
foreverbanned5 t1_iz0oajr wrote

Paid 150 dollars to sit in almost the last row in a huge stadium in August. The stage was lame and they played for an hour and a half. No encore and Didnt play a lot hits. For a stadium tour I had never been more disappointed. They were much better when I saw them in 2012

Edit: downvoted for sharing my experience of a recent RHCP show lol I'm trying to save you guys money. The show did not justify the costs. It's the RCHP. I expected a 2 hour plus show and a cool stage. They played a 90 minute show with their amazing discography? The video was just some very extreme close ups of their faces with some mid 2000s Webcam filters on it. The foo fighters sent you home exhausted. They played 2 and half hours at least every time and always brought the energy