
fossfirefighter OP t1_j8hmu7h wrote

>I didn't know it was that bad. The problem was the wiring tripped on several times on normal usage, but the landlord said the breaker was fine, and I just gave up, because I couldn't prove otherwise until I got shocked.Then the electrician explained what happened.

Touching the extension cord plugged into the outlet. I think the effect was much closer to like touching a live broadcast antenna, since the whole thing was shorted. I didn't take good before pictures, bt there's still a broken outlet in my apartment.


fossfirefighter OP t1_j8ecpsm wrote

The problem was three prong outlet, ground was physically not connected, and there was a short that the electrician resolved. There are more outlets with that problem now that I've examined them, I didn't know ground was floating before hand.

I'm not an electrical expert, but I do get the basics.


fossfirefighter OP t1_j8e4fgt wrote

Happened last Wednesday, afterwhich I called 911, and was checked out with an irregular but otherwise strong heartbeat. As I have no pre-existing conditions, I didn't opt to be transported, but I've had ongoing pain on my left arm and leg.

The outlets had no ground connection, so I became part of the circuit. The landlord made some repairs, they just refuse to finish it.

I'll contact the HA.


fossfirefighter OP t1_j8djdva wrote

I saw this earlier; thank you. I was going to file this right before I got shocked because it was reaching the point that I needed to. The problem is I haven't super documented it well, but I'll leave this printed out.


I'll send things as email and certified mail next.