
fragiumily t1_iw10d3u wrote

I could not agree more with all of this. Stayed to figure out why she chose Monique. Also agree I only really thought Harry was a real human. So shallow. SO SHALLOW. I also felt the relationship with Celia was abusive and I could not understand how there was any real love there it felt so shallow and just a talent crush on Celia’s end and an ego-stroke on Evelyn’s side. When I can’t emotionally bond with anyone in the book it feels like a complete waste of precious reading time.

Also hated It Ends with Us from the start. I am a stickler about finishing books I start but that is one of the few that I just gave up on. It was so terribly written I couldn’t handle it.

Someone else mentioned they felt the same way about Midnight Library because it was so hyped and I second this so hard. Because it was so hyped I ended up being extremely disappointed. I could not get over how many people said it was their favorite book ever.