freebat23 t1_j1axs7r wrote
Reply to comment by ShortCartographers in TIFU by not locking the door to the bedroom… by ShortCartographers
i've heard "snuggling" usually does the trick. i doubt she'll remember it too well though haha
freebat23 t1_iwakl94 wrote
Reply to comment by allofolivesolives in TIFU by informing my SO that I didn't arrive home safely. by floreality
me and my girl both have androids.
as you can imagine, this makes for really chaotic texting especially since we both have insanely fast brains that can't stay on topic.
most of the time though, i'm just happy to be talking to her even if it doesn't make sense
freebat23 t1_iwakg6i wrote
Reply to comment by qrseek in TIFU by informing my SO that I didn't arrive home safely. by floreality
i had that happen but opposite. someone would send me something and it'd be timestamped earlier than it actually was, so it looked like we were kinda time travelling over text
freebat23 t1_iwak9lw wrote
Reply to comment by Unlikely_Ad_7030 in TIFU by informing my SO that I didn't arrive home safely. by floreality
not I95 lmaooo
freebat23 t1_j48g43r wrote
Reply to TIFU by getting too weird with sounding and narrowly escaping an embarassing trip to the ER (NSFW) by realdummyshit
what a time to be on reddit