
freemyslobs1337 t1_j53622r wrote

No. They arent. Africa has serious tribal wars still going on. They are partially related to how they are treated by other countries BUT, they need to resolve these issues themselves. It isnt their fault per-se. Its kind of like a state wanting to secede, but way more problematic. Very different cultures exist in the same nations, and those nations often refuse to give those cultures lee-way, often even preferring genocide. That is a resource issue.

Basically, it is the same us vs them mentality that plagues us in the US, just a lot more extreme. It is individual cultures feeling like they deserve their own rule, and the nations they live in wanting all the resources, so fuck their feelings (instead of just allowing some level of autonomy for those cultures, but united in resources)


freemyslobs1337 t1_j26s10v wrote

About 32% of Americans make less than 30k USD. This range, in America, is EXTREMELY poor. Like, 30k means you are in need of immediate financial assistance or you will die.

A 3 bedroom house in the US is worth anywhere from $300-900k dollars. I will NEVER own a home, period, full stop, nor will most of my generation.

Summer homes, as in second homes, which is something pretty unique to Russia, even if its mostly elders that own them.

Honestly, it actually seems for young people in the US (I exclude the older folks as they own literally everything and young people will NOT inherent most of it, only the ultra wealthy will own it, indeed a common way to retire here is to reverse mortgage your house (they pay until you die, then take the house), as well as the extreme costs associated with someone dying, most people will not inherent much ), the situation is damn near the same. Average income is lower than the cost of living by a good margin.

The numbers will speak for themselves - 8.2% of people in the US are food insecure, compared to 5.5 in Russia

It also appears, though data is limited, about the same rate of young Russians and Americans live at home with their parents.

Seems we are both in a pretty shit economic position.


freemyslobs1337 t1_j22m5au wrote

Median US income for 16-25 year olds is 31-36 thousand dollars.

Average rent CURRENTLY paid is 16 thousand a year. Current asking average price for an apartment is about 20k per year. The average American spends another 2k per year on utilities, which does not include internet or phone bill (two required things in America), thats another grand for internet. Toss another grand for your phone bill, you have $24k in bills. You are gonna need a car, public transit is minimal and cities are not walkable Another $1500 for gasoline. Well, you are gonna need to pay for your car so thats another 6k per year. Another 1.5k in insurance costs for said vehicle. This is America, though, so it doesnt stop there. At this point if you are poor enough, you get assistance, but the average 16-25yo makes too much, there is a low income threshold for that. For health insurance, you are gonna need another 6k per year. Another 4k for food.

That adds up to 43 thousand dollars. The average 16-25yo does not make enough to survive, but makes too much for assistance. This age group also often has student loans that are another few thousand per year. 50% of 18-29yo's live with their parents.

Tell me about summer homes? Nobody has those here.

You said OWN, or do you rent said flat? Because a mortgage for a condo here is going to set you back 17k per year. I certainly dont own any flat or apartment or home, neither do most people under 30.


freemyslobs1337 t1_j22j50y wrote

20% of your salary.?!?!


I worked about a month of full time at a decent wage, and only made enough for a single months RENT, disregarding other bills. People my age spend upwards of 50% of their income on housing.

A great chunk of Americans spend their entire paycheck on bills.

There is a cost of living crisis in America and has been for a decade.

Also, you ignore all the other taxes in America Everything is fucking taxes and employers have a tax on them too.


freemyslobs1337 t1_j20d00y wrote

Good answer, though some may disagree.

I never found life in Russia seeming all that bad compared to the extreme American poverty I have experienced. Nobody here has a summer home, and very few under 30 own a home period, there are/were some benefits to the Russian economy, like fairly low cost of living (total cost of living crisis in the us since the great recession)

At least until this war. So many controls were placed on Russians, the sanctions likely stole the supply of meds I would absolutely need to reside there (doubt I could get permanent residency because of the reason I take them, unfortunately (mental illness) )

I really do love Russians, despite some being quite hateful, I do keep in mind hate is caused by numerous things. And I love the perspective you give and like to hear it, gives me hope that Russia is not totally fucked and I might be able to live there sometime for a while...

Stay strong, keep hope, and fight where you can. Neither good nor bad times last forever. And they form great souls, the Russian soul has formed from struggle and I appreciate it greatly.