
fretit OP t1_jdswyzs wrote

Yeah, I think I overreacted a little bit.

I actually tried the XS. It is a great headphone except for some very slight artificial "sheen" to the sound. And even though my head was big enough for the band (one click seemed to be the best position), it felt a little loose on my head when I leaned forward or when I moved side to side. So I returned it and got the Ananda, but they sent me the older version, so I returned that as well.

I am just going to wait a little for the dust to settle and probably order directly from HIFIMAN instead of Amazon.


fretit OP t1_jdsa5bz wrote

You just painted me a picture of a chaotic company. If they can't properly manage such extremely simple things, why should I not think their headphones aren't made with the same sloppiness? Just slap on there whatever drivers or pads come out of some big random bin.

I suddenly have this uneasy feeling that it is a very suspect company. With all those measurements of the Arya/Ananda/XS being so close, almost within the variation you see between left and right side drivers, I am suddenly envisioning all the drivers coming from the same bin and just getting slapped on whatever egg-shaped cup model is being assembled.


fretit OP t1_jdptc8x wrote

You just made me realize the specs of this alleged Ananda V3 are very close to the specs of the XS. Impedance is 16 Ohm vs 18 Ohm for the XS and sensitivity is the same (92dB).

So maybe Ananda V3 is a tweaked XS with the strap style headband?

I guess we shall see soon enough.


fretit t1_j9qf198 wrote

Seems to be in a descending triangle, which is not a good sign.

I bought F for very cheap three years ago, but missed the opportunity to sell it at the top of the EV hype bubble. Waited too long and didn't make as much as I could have.

I wouldn't buy it now. Ford always struggles to execute, and even they when design decent cars, they can't deliver on QC.