
froznwind t1_jegwefs wrote

It's evolutionary. Turtles who moved to the sea were less likely to be eaten by birds. And the the faster they raced to the sea, the better the chance to survive and pass along their genes. Multiply that over millions of generations and an instinct is created. Ultimately that's what all instincts are, baby creatures born with the instinct that benefits their survival were more likely to pass on their genes and make more babies. It takes a long damn time to do, but evolution is slow.


froznwind t1_j6osx9p wrote

There's two different ways you can use it, internal and external. Internal is you sent an email that was so repulsive to the business that there is nothing that you ever earn another promotion (or more likely keep your job). They're career ending in the sense that you'll never work for that company again and thus your prior career there is over.

Or if that email gets enough public attention that it becomes public knowledge, or at least knowledge of it persists on the internet, and the content is so bad that you'll never work in your given field again. Mark Bankston, Alex Jones's lawyer, mishandled a discovery request. It was supposed to be a limited amount of data from Jones's cell phone and instead sent over an image of the phone entirely and failed to challenge the release properly. That let the prosecution prove that Jones had repeatedly lied during the trial and lead to a billion dollar fine. That lawyer will never spend another day in court, regardless if he keeps his license or not.


froznwind t1_iy1q72g wrote

The sun doesn't burn, fire is a molecular process involving oxygen that releases energy. The sun's intense gravity forces atoms to fuse (fusion), a process that releases far more energy. That energy is then absorbed by other atoms that release the energy in photons that is picked up by your eyes.

Not directly, it takes some ludicrous number of years for the energy created at the core of the sun to actually reach the surface.


froznwind t1_iuibowq wrote

Lets say you have 100 people and 10 seats for government and your electorate is 60% blue and 40% red. If the elections are representative, your government would be 60% blue and 40% red. But if red gets to choose who votes for who, they can have 3 seats with nothing but blue voters. That leaves 7 seats open and 70 voters, each of those seats are now voted for by the remaining 40% red and 30% blue. Red wins all those 7 seats, giving them a 7-3 supermajority instead of the 4-6 minority that proper representation would call for.