
frygod t1_jdhfq1v wrote

On one hand, SMS is not free. On the other hand, maintaining a short code is like $3000 quarterly last time I had it quoted, and you're looking at $0.003 for outbound text messages and $0.0009 for inbound. You'd also have to maintain a block list to remain compliant with FCC regulations, though doing the service as opt-in only may get you around that a bit.

Now let's do some napkin math. If the 450,000,000 active users perform a login once a month that triggers second factor, you'd take that $0.003 and multiply it by the total active users. That gives us $1,350,000 in outbound SMS fees. That is... actually quite a bit more money than I expected.


frygod t1_j6i8fx5 wrote

I've written appointment reminder software that leverages one of Twilio's competitors (Signalwire) for delivery and they seem to do just fine in things like this. In testing use cases, I have to prove ownership of both sending and receiving phone number. They also require all SMS messaging campaigns to be registered as per FCC requirements. I know they filter it too, because when the FCC rule went into effect I hadn't received notification yet, and my first clue was everything suddenly showing up in the logs as being blocked.


frygod t1_istpyx2 wrote

They really should at least try it but have always been resistant. I have a mac mini that I use as a server that I keep connected to my cintiq pro, which is then able to act as a KVM switch between the mini and my more robust windows box. MacOS running with full multitouch and pen support is actually really really nice.