
fuckdonaldtrump7 t1_is2kfec wrote

Agreed I'm just not going to be surprised if there is still an elite ruling class that still controls much of society. We may have massive unemployment but what quality of life will they be granted? Looking at homelessness and drug issues with current lack of quality jobs. I think it may be an ugly transition but I am very pessimistic with these types of things because humanity as a whole has shown very little structure around this particular issue.


fuckdonaldtrump7 t1_irup348 wrote

Gotcha. I'd say Europe is better setup to transition into an automated eco ony with social support in place where it is a more acceptable culture to not base your life around work. I think it will take Americans awhile to get used to this cultural change. A lot of ego maniacs that won't get there power trip yelling at robots and uneducated people that would side with the manager fucking them over. Perhaps I am just pessimistic from the last 30+ years but hope we can get there.

Sadly I think we are more likely in the reality where world powers make robots to police and fight our wars keeping the industrial military complex alive and well. Closer to say cyberpunk 2077