
fuckpudding t1_j3663n0 wrote

Reply to Shaking? by mduchesn2004

Could have been seismic in nature. I experienced an earthquake in Fitchburg, MA. Shook the house I was in for long enough and in such a way that a primal alarm was set off inside me. Happened maybe 10 years ago. I checked online that same day and I was right about it being a small earthquake.


fuckpudding t1_j2ycc4s wrote

The sponge is definitely carrying bacteria from dish one to dish two. But the soap + scrubbing is making the mechanical removal of food and bacteria much easier. Basically freeing it from adhesion to the surface of the dishes so that the final rinsing with water carries the bulk of it away and down the drain. I personally think sponges are gross and not good for cleaning things involved with eating. They harbor bacteria like it’s nobody’s business and you’re right to be questioning this. I’d recommend switching to a plastic bristled brush that you can fully rinse with before each dish or item that you wash.