
funklab t1_jadgw9u wrote

There is nothing inherently good about saving. It is a very powerful tool that can certainly be leveraged to improve your life vastly, but if you work your whole life pinching pennies and saving millions, what have you gained?

So is the money you're saving now being saved with a purpose (buying a house, retirement, travel, helping family, etc, etc) and does that purpose bring you more joy than spending it today would? If the answer to both questions is "yes", you're doing well. If not, you probably need to re-examine your goals.


funklab t1_jad4vud wrote

Also once you leave your employer, health equity fees are absolutely absurd. I think I was paying more in fees for my tiny HSA than for my 401k.


funklab t1_j37090i wrote

But the whole title is basically misleading.

In that data there is no statistical difference between any of the ethnicities and whites, with the exception of the indigenous category, which has a confidence interval so wide that it must have a tiny sample size.

This study is powered to show that whites who used psilocybin and MDMA have lower rates of MDE (and last year only for hispanics) and that indigenous have a slightly higher rate of MDE compared to whites.

This study is just underpowered to show a difference in most of the ethnicities. Many of them probably show similar responses if you have enough of a sample size, and a confidence interval that crosses 1 just shows that you can't read anything into it.


funklab t1_j36zemy wrote

Am I reading this wrong?

All of those confidence intervals are basically all crossing each other. There's hardly any statistical difference between ethnicities.

The study was powered to detect a difference in white participants (and one year MDE improvement in hispanic participants), it was trending toward doing the same in other ethnicities, but the confidence interval was just too wide, with the exception of indigenous where they just barely detected an increase in MDE.