
funtex666 t1_itmr6d9 wrote

Yeah let's get that US sponsored extra feature instead. Like the countless times hard coded backdoors have been found in Cisco equipment and all those backdoors we know of from nice guys like Snowden. It's fine not to trust Huawei, but trusting anything else more than Huawei is pure stupidity. They are all equally bad. Some are just worse because your overlords doesn't like the form of government in their place of origin. In other words, someone is brainwashed.


funtex666 t1_itmq20g wrote

There's a huge schism between what "experts" say (they aren't experts in anything but politics) and what actual people in the Telecom industry say. One screams bloody murder if you mention Huawei while the other says Huawei is both cheaper and faster at getting code out to devices. This whole thing is 100% politics and 0% facts.


funtex666 t1_itmpcw4 wrote

If you don't let politics or tinfoil hats steer then we only know that they are potentially compromised. On the other hand we do know for a fact that their US competitors are in fact definitely compromised (thanks Snowden).


funtex666 t1_itmotqo wrote

They have no idea what they are talking about or are straight up making stuff up to make them look bad. Say what you want about Huawei but in Telecom they are known as one of the easiest companies to get code to equipment fast. The exact opposite of the picture they try to paint here. Try working with Cisco and Huawei will feel like a dream. Not that it says much.