fuzzybunn t1_iv9pvxc wrote
Reply to comment by MyBallsAreOnFir3 in Chinese scientists develop salt-tolerant soybean that can grow well on previously barren soil by mutherhrg
This has been a thing for Millenia, and yet people still starve. Trying to get the people in power not to hoard resources is a pipe dream even Jesus, Mohamad or the Buddha couldn't solve.
fuzzybunn t1_iuhmnxa wrote
Reply to comment by Yes_hes_that_guy in China launches 3rd and final space station component by miso25
Locked down in Melbourne over 2020/1 over several months in an apartment half that size. Also did 6 weeks of quarantine in hotel rooms even smaller than that, with no human contact. It was not great, but it was fine after I got a new routine sorted. I'm sure there are many people who hate it and can't live like that, but conversely I'm sure there are people who didn't mind it that much.
Also, the view is amazing.
fuzzybunn t1_ithergp wrote
Reply to comment by Regi0 in China is building a 40 gigawatt offshore wind farm, the biggest power plant in existence by mutherhrg
Did you also know China has the largest population of any country, more than most developed countries combined? You are, I hope, just woefully ignorant of this.
Source: https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/china-population/
fuzzybunn t1_iwf3pm7 wrote
Reply to comment by FiendishHawk in Known since Aristotle, no one understood the argonaut octopus—until a 19th-century seamstress turned naturalist took it upon herself to solve its mysteries by marketrent
I didn't think about it, but you're right! How very poetic.