
fxx_255 t1_j488k18 wrote

Past me sometimes gets black out drunk and I have to deal with the consequences, which are painful and sometimes embarrassing.

But every now on then, he leaves me some pizza or tacos, and sometimes the dishwasher was loaded and run.

He and I, well, we've come to an understanding.


fxx_255 t1_iueenef wrote

Hey, I'd like to ask which country you live in? Because I'd like to see how strong your social net is for single mothers struggling to pay the bills, or how well child protective services staff are paid, is college free in your country? How about healthcare from a single parent standpoint?

Now what about children that are orphaned? Does your country provide free tuition for college? How well do these kids eat? How well regulated and available are orphanages?

Is your country funding these services even more by taking away the right to abortion? How much in taxes do you pay and how much of it goes towards taking care of all these extra kids?