
fyhjik98 t1_iuhtjku wrote

At the equinox, the angle of the rising sun towards the north on the north pole will be accompanied by an angle of the setting sun to the south. This is also true if you are at the equator.

However, the sun will appear to be lower in the sky the closer you get to the poles. So you might say that the sun is moving slower, as its curve on the sky appears to be shorter.

In reality, your own rotation speed decreases when you get closer to the poles. If you are stationed 1 meter from the geographical north pole, then during the 12h equinox sun period, the earth rotation will have moved you approximately 3 (pi) meters. If you are stationed at the equator, the rotation will have moved you half of the earth's circumference, i.e. approximately 20,000,000 meters.