
gambinesh t1_izzh9n9 wrote


gambinesh t1_izumum7 wrote

Nah. Didn't say that. But it is a tool that may be necessary with some of these issues. If they come in my home and put my family at risk? Sheriff response time out here is 60 minutes+. Yesterday they triggered an alarm trying to get in a house. Seems like mailbox, to porch pirate, to breaking and entering is a obvious escalation. You expect me to sit for 60 min and wait while my family is harmed? Nah.

If there is no way to move to a safe space or ward off a wild animal? Don't get me wrong - we live in harmony with the wildlife around us and our animals (cow, horses, chickens) are pets - not food. But it can be very unpredictable out here and even a tool that is used as a last resort is still a necessary tool to have.

What's super fucked is you can't see past your own world view to understand that it may not fit every other.


gambinesh t1_iztcoh8 wrote

[This turned into a vent. Delete it if you want. Or don't. ]

There is this ass hole in a lifted black dodge who follows his fellow fuck face in a white dodge Challenger up our private drive at 3am and jiggles the handles on our homes. My mail box gets broken into regularly. My car has been forcefully ran off the road twice with my young children with me. Meanwhile the sheriff is never able to make the time to deal with it. I have a family of coyotes who live around us. Wolf's. Other wildlife that can be dangerous.

The world is not black and white. You do not support mass shootings just because you purchase the tools needed to survive in your situation. These folks are following a trend. None of this will help reduce shootings.

Mental health resources, education, and extended responsibility for gun violence might help. In fact, it is impossible to get mental health support in Pierce county. Maybe pump some effort into that. Might also be more effective than the failed war on drugs.

And while we're on social justice topics - homeless guy was around the other day. 7 miles from any town. He noticed a lot of litter and started to clean. Asked if I could donate some garbage bags for him to use to pick up. He cleaned the whole road. You know who dumps out here? The same trash humans who are always hung up about homeless people. The same people who blame homeless for all of the trash on the road. The same people addicted to meth in their trailer. The same people in their lifted black trucks trying to steal childrens Christmas presents.

All of this shit on the news and social media is just a giant fucking farce. I'm tired of being manipulated.