
gamefreak9199 OP t1_jar8kpn wrote

Thank you for being a good landlord and maintaining your properties, your tenants are lucky people! I wrote a long message to both of them this morning detailing the building codes they were violating and outlining the sections of the Landlord Tenant handbook they are out of compliance with. Hopefully they will work to resolve the issues and we can work to find a new place in the meantime.


gamefreak9199 OP t1_jar8eca wrote

I believe you are completely correct. Every time they've come out to service something small all they talk about is how much money they've put into this building, etc, etc.

The tub issue I referenced in my original post was supposed to be resolved by December 18th and is still continually being pushed back, which to me clearly shows they haven't even tried to schedule a repair.

We will be trying to move as soon as we can afford it.


gamefreak9199 OP t1_jar83zh wrote

I've been documenting as much as possible and I'm considering trying to write out a full timeline of events where we were without heat, water, hot water, etc just to have it for reference. Everybody I've talked to has basically told me to move out as fast as possible, so I think we'll be going that route as soon as we can afford to.


gamefreak9199 OP t1_jar7xi8 wrote

That's exactly how I'm feeling as far as not getting on their bad side, but if they're willing to leave us without heat for up to 6 weeks, I don't really think they have a good side lol. The only thing that helps our drain is liquid plumber and it'll slowly drain for maybe a day or two tops. I messaged them today in a group text explaining all of the housing codes they're violating and outlining the relevant parts of the Landlord Tenant handbook, so we will see.


gamefreak9199 OP t1_jamr7un wrote

Thank you very much for all of the info, it helps a lot. We have also been without hot water/running water several times since we moved in. Is there a specific type of lawyer I should contact? I worry about legal fees outweighing what we could withhold from our rent. Thank you.


gamefreak9199 OP t1_jamqss5 wrote

Thank you very much for the advice, I will do my best to get in touch with them. They have been ignoring our messages recently so I am unsure how best to reach them. Unfortunately our lease is month-to-month so if they choose not to renew it gives us a very small window to find housing.


gamefreak9199 OP t1_jamqnv4 wrote

I've been photographing the thermostat every day for the past few days just to have evidence. Thankfully 99% of the communication with the landlords is through text so I have written proof of all of these issues and their response time/lack of response. I just don't even know what to do with it all. Do I just save it in case this goes to court?


gamefreak9199 OP t1_jamiwdf wrote

I'd love to look for a new place to rent, it's just difficult as we have no references as this is our first time renting. Most of our savings have gone into this apartment and furnishings, so trying to get together moving funds again will take some time. We are also on a month to month lease which gives me a lot of anxiety about rent increases/eviction as retaliation.

I feel terrible for those who are dealing with even worse slumlords in the more affordable housing :(


gamefreak9199 OP t1_jamiafe wrote

I know :/ It's insanely expensive for how bare bones it is. One of our rooms reeks of cigarettes no matter how much we deep clean the carpet and walls. None of our blinds have strings, we have windows without screens, very drafty, etc.

It's our first time renting so we did not have previous references, this place seemed nice when we were viewing it but they hid a lot from us. Our bathtub had been painted white to hide how bad the finish was, though they thankfully finally had it reglazed last month.


gamefreak9199 OP t1_jamh7nx wrote

I will send you a DM, thank you.

For anyone else reading: 9 pipes burst over a month ago on the other side of the building due to no heat. They cut and capped them as nobody is living on that side of the building. Their explanation is they have now disconnected the boilers until they figure out what to do about those pipes, and that they will have a company come in a few weeks to "flush it out".