
gamelord12 t1_ix9b2xh wrote

They come in many shapes and sizes, but incrementally, they're trending in the right direction. I'm not sure why the DOT introduces lesser bike lanes as a stopgap instead of doing it right the first time, but their annual updates do acknowledge that an interim lesser bike lane is better than not doing one at all, as it introduces more natural traffic calming.


gamelord12 t1_ix9a1jr wrote

The threshold for how many bikes would have to be on one street to cause what could be considered "traffic" is so much higher than cars that I doubt you've ever seen it in this city. And that, once again, is because bike lanes provide higher throughput.

But at this point, you're just trying to avoid admitting that you were wrong. It's cool; induced demand is a somewhat unintuitive concept at first, but we know it for a fact, and it's why there are advocacy groups for bike lanes, which are for multiple forms of micromobility, by the way; not only bikes.


gamelord12 t1_ix91b8y wrote

Oh, is this the first time you've ever heard of induced demand? Give it a Google. We've got so much data proving that taking lanes away from cars in favor of things with higher throughput like bus only lanes and bike lanes actually does wonders for reducing traffic. And definitively, the thing that does not fix traffic is adding more lanes for cars.


gamelord12 t1_iv17ljq wrote

Definitely just an anecdote, but is anyone else here familiar with 4th Ave in Sunset Park? I bike along there pretty regularly. It was safer a few years ago. I have no idea what kind of maintenance they have to do there so regularly, but they tear up a street, repave it, and then don't reinstate the semi-protected bike lanes (parking in the middle of the street with a small buffer) but only for that stretch. So you end up with bike lane, bike lane, shared lane, bike lane, shared lane, where the state of the street varies block by block. After a section of the street is repaved, everyone just parks where the bike lane should be again. This can't be doing much for safety. If you're going to repave the street...finish it! Put it back how you found it! I don't understand what the point of all this is. (There's a similar situation in my neighborhood nearby, not in Sunset Park, as well.)