
gameshowmatt t1_j2034qz wrote

I'm afraid I don't agree that this is limited to a gender.

If all someone wants is to get married and they are willing to ignore everything else it's not hard to find. Man, woman, or anything in between.

It just won't look like the pornos.


gameshowmatt t1_j2021j8 wrote

I used to follow similar thought processes and one detail that broke the outlook is a reminder that you are describing a specific minority of the gender. Yes, beautiful people of all genders have it easier and sure, I would agree that beautiful women have a whole different set of rules as long as they maintain that beauty.

But thought exercise: when you say these sweeping generalizations try to imagine it applying to an unattractive woman and you know the logic breaks down.

So we need to be sure to not judge based on the most successful unit in a sample size - with both genders. All women are manipulative house pets with an easy life no more than all men are predatory rape-machines just waiting to be triggered by exposed skin. These are outliers. Not defaults.