
gdex86 t1_jdzj180 wrote

>Or will you be satisfied if he just votes party line?


For the concern trolling Republicans do in the guise of "I'm just asking questions" I don't care if Fetterman shows up in the black box from Star Trek and communicates only in beeps as long as he votes against the conservative agenda.

Every beep that is against anti trans and queer legislation is a victory. Every beep that puts a non heritage society stooge on the bench for a life time apointment is ecstacy. Hell if John Roberts and Clarence Thomas discovers their sense of decency and decide to give up the law and retire to raise alpacas in Montana and Fetterman gets to beep in two supreme court justices I probably will have an orgasm.

I've seen the absolutely repulsive options the Republicans would run for this seat and I'd take Fetterman in any condition over that.


gdex86 t1_jdr1l0m wrote

You said the thing I said happen was a hoax and when faced with proof you were wrong moved the goal posts to prove something I didn't say happened. Why would I trust you ever would argue in good faith when you can't even admit you were wrong.

Second I don't have Intel privileges. So my ability as a guy on the internet to prove an global intrigue plot is limited. But you have Don Jr admitting he as an agent of his father's campaign was willing to take illegal outside help to win the election, that agents of the Russian federation (yes she is a confirmed agent of the Russian federation you'd be the one needing to prove she went off book in this job) offered said help but nothing ever came of it. Basically they wanted to buy drugs, Russia was willing to sell them drugs but nothing happened. A statement that stretches credibility of everyone. And then it doesn't matter if it had influence or not. It's going outside the allowed players and knowingly doing so. The ask is illegal even if nothing serious came of it.


gdex86 t1_jdqzauw wrote


Just the bits that apply

>Trump Tower meeting: How the story has changed

>8 July 2017: The New York Times reveals the June 2016 meeting took place and Mr Trump Jr releases a statement describing it as a "short introductory meeting" that focused on Russian adoptions

>9 July 2017: The Times reports that Mr Trump Jr was promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton before the meeting. He confirmed the report but said in a second statement that "no meaningful information" came from the meeting

>11 July 2017: Mr Trump Jr tweets screenshots of his email correspondence that discussed setting up the meeting just minutes before the email chain was revealed in a Times story. The emails showed he was eager to accept "sensitive" information that was "part of Russia and its government's support for Mr Trump"


gdex86 t1_jdqlvwz wrote

If you care this fucking much start trying to build the political will to go for impeachment or present a candidate to run against him. You won't because you know that depression is relatable because most families had someone who dealt with clinical depression and him being honest and open about it is relatable and trying to remove him for it makes you even more of the bad guy.

So you go with this empty "I'm just asking questions" schtick. At least have the courage of your convictions. If you want blood try to stick in the knife not this bullshit "I'm just saying" crap.


gdex86 t1_jdpo9io wrote

Except there are more then two genders. Since gender is a social construct. Even if you meant sex sciences answer is "most people fit these two boxes. Generally. Ignore those ones sticking out of the side. But we also have all these other boxes for people that definitely don't fit in those two."

Very few people are anti white and anti white isn't part of wokeness in general. The woke people want an honest teaching of our history so people learn how racism ended up shaping the history of this country be it the treatment of black slaves, indigenous peoples, Asian immigrants, even the histories of the non waspy Europeans that eventually got folded into white. Because know about and being honest about it helps keep from repeating the same or similar mistakes. Even the dreaded idea of white privilege is that the world treats you differently on how you are perceived racially and while life isn't all roses and joy being white there are several places where it does make it easier and if you are white you maybe don't notice because it's never effected you.

Again very few seriously criticize the traditional family unit. They criticize that it is the ultimate end goal and the best option for everyone. A married mom and dad is fine, but so is two married moms, two married dad's, a mom and dad that are separated but co parrent, single parents, and even whole family raising a kid. It's like when people say feminism criticizes the family unit. No it doesn't. It wants the idea of a stay at home mom to be an option women opt into because they want to, not be the only path forward when pregnant.


gdex86 t1_jdmsgnd wrote

Yep haunted real estate 101. When you have set defined rules don't screw with them. If you don't open your doors past 1am till 2:17am don't open doors. If you never move out and the house wants you to watch as it collects it's pound of flesh just buy plastic sheeting and ask if you can put it down before they do their business.


gdex86 t1_jdmg7nr wrote

I would change one thing in the article," the drag community is under attack" is a true statement but I dont think it properly objectively explains the situation. "The drag community is being scapegoated as part of the conservative continual war on LGBTQ community" is a more more detailed and true picture.


gdex86 t1_jdga1ps wrote

Why do Republicans hate someone being able to fix simple mistakes when voting.

(Sarcasm) It's almost as right wing politicians and voters know that if more people vote they are less likely to win due to the unpopularity of their positions and that their attempts to distract from that by jumping from one fake moral panic to another is show diminishing returns.


gdex86 t1_jd6n7i1 wrote

(Depressed resignation) Throw it on the "Not a drag queen" pile.

It's so horrible that it manages to double loop from awful to darkly funny back to pitch black awful that as the right wing continues to try to paint queer and trans people as threats to children we have a near never ending stream of "Faith leaders" and "Community pillars" who are sexually assaulting children. I don't get what's so hard to grasp that if someone wants to prey on kids they aren't going to put on a wig corset and falsies but they are going to pick a position where they have access to and can earn the trust of the child.


gdex86 t1_jcwozlk wrote

It's feasible but the expense both in time and cost is going to be up there.

As others have mentioned a monthly rail pass will run you about 450+ a month with a time cost of 4 to 5 hours per day just commuting.

Personally if you have to do this and can't move for a year the more feasible option would be to find an apartment with room mate for the year that is just a crash pad and drive in and out every weekend. Above that in cost would be weekly hotel check ins.


gdex86 t1_j90ukts wrote

No that is the absolute thing we don't want. If you want to argue for the state ending someone's life you should want to be absolutely sure of guilt and that the legal process was above board. Which even now the current process is only so so at. Arguing for an express lane gives up the ghost you care about the spectical not justice.


gdex86 t1_j88hi2m wrote

This is so lazy I was going to just snark and ignore but since people actually read lets break down how this is so fucking lazy and how intellectually dishonest it is.

>Are they out slaughtering millions of innocent people? No.

Yeah because that was late stage nazi actions. We luckily aren't there yet because we can still nip it in the bud. But the fact they want to have the government collect all information on people who request to transition is how we get there. When you are going to go and gather the location information of all of a marginalized people you are in the first steps towards a "final solution.

Now lets talk about the republican party in general. They are the party that is openly aligned with white ethnostate/supremacists. That's a pretty big step into nazism because well if you need me to explain that to you you are already lost. I'd also point out that the republican political message is almost entirely based on blaming some small marginalized group be it gays, drag queens, trans people, in Europe Muslims for the decline of the "white race". And if only they could get rid of "those people" they could improve things.

Secondly they are fascists. For the past 7 years it's been the republican point of view that any election they lose it's not because they lost but because it was stolen from them. Starting with the head of the party in Donald Trump. They called for the illegal over throw of an election, and their supporters went to the capital to attempt a violent over throw of the election. This isn't getting into the state level where we have multiple examples where upon losing an election they immediate start in the lame duck session voting away powers they had gladly used to keep the incoming party or administration from doing it.

So we got a party that has a bunch of racist fascists in it that want to purify America for the good of the white race. Your first defense is going to be "But it's not everyone." Yeah not everyone is like that, but the damning thing is that isn't enough of a deal breaker for them to get out. Many nazi's weren't deeply into the murder of the Jews but just were going to go along with the flow for the good of Germany. The party at large is fine with those people not only being in their party but greatly shaping it's political goals because of what Guns or Taxes. That is exactly like nazi germany.

So we got something that goosesteps like a brown shirt and heils like a brown shirt but you don't want to call it a brown shirt


gdex86 t1_j84o7sj wrote

You know Jack you are going to die. You could try to make a deal not to die so horribly. Ya took time to post this repeat drop a name and address to the local cops so they can rescue the girls and a list of who and where you disposed of the others and maybe, maybe the rotting thing will make it quick rather than deciding to have some fun. It knows it has you for 24 hours you more than anyone should know what a monster can do with that much time and a captive victim.


gdex86 t1_j7xylmm wrote

Like why?

Temple to my knowledge isn't a college that trades primarily on its domination in sports. So it's educational prestige is what keeps the doors open and money flowing. That is done by having prestige. To have that prestige they need to have these ground level educators working since no hot shot professor is going to do the scut work graduates do. So all they are telling future graduate students who might consider working there in the future is that end of the day if it comes to counting beans the university will fuck you over no regrets so why work there.