
gdex86 t1_j25grjv wrote

Have you considered that something in your woods cut a deal.

Some dumb ass kid goes into your woods as a dare and runs into something predatory and before it eats him alive the kid offers to make this place famous. Anything that knows humanity as long as these beings have no that the best way to attract man prey is tell people not to do something. So it lets the kid or staffer go. They post your location maybe if it's a staffer leak some of the disappearances and boom it's no different then a hunter in a blind who set up a salt lick.


gdex86 t1_iulrazz wrote

The ever loving fuck?

One party no longer accepts election results that they don't win. The republican can canidate for governor was all for a violent attempt to seize power in the wake of an election and has stated he would empower the legislature to ignore the will of voters in the results of presidential elections if he wins. The Senate canidate and an alleged medical professional thinks reproductive health decisions should be between a woman, her doctor, and local governmental representative, this on top of never living in this state prior to the run.

And the Democrats are arguing "Maybe cops should not have instant immunity when they kill people" " Perhaps the minimum wage should match inflation over the past decade or so" and "Hey can we treat weed like alcohol and stop using it as an excuse to lock people up." And ya wanna both sides this. Holy shit is that a take.


gdex86 t1_iqz0msw wrote

The fear mongering over a plant by the right wing would be hilarious if it wasn't part of the prison profit pipeline. Cigarettes caused cancer for years with big tabacoo investing huge sums of money to obscure and hide that fact from the public for as long as possible but the dangerous plant is sone how weed.

Like I'm sure if we did long term studies eventually we would find there is some negative trade off for long term habitual use but I seriously doubt it's anywhere near as bad as tabacoo products or alcohol. And that is ignoring that it actually has medicinal applications that far out strip the other two.

Also fuck Oz as a research scientist he fucking knows corolation does not equal causation. Especially since he murdered a fuck ton of puppies at Columbia doing research.