
geneticswag t1_jbbvodb wrote

Don't kid yourself, Brookfield doesn't give a dam about separating species. There are plenty of reports of smallies in the moose going back a decade. I can't verify the accuracy of this tag from 2015, but you can see someone claiming their kid caught one there.

Not only do they not provide adequate fish passage, but they also to an atrocious job protecting the juvenile fish beneath their hydroelectric dams. On average dams trip for multiple hours four times a year, reducing river flows by upward of 85%, resulting in mass casualties and stranding's of salmon and trout. I can say this first hand as I participated in a citizen survey sponsored by trout unlimited as part of Brookfield's federal obligation to perform a study on the impact of these trip events this past October on the West Branch Penobscot. It's a bad scene. These guys are crooks who are profiting from our natural resources and we should put them out of business.