
gentlestuncle t1_j8pmhyg wrote

I think they kind of have to. No one is going to voluntarily let a double bus in. I imagine you have to drive really aggressively to get a bus like that anywhere during rush hour in the city


gentlestuncle t1_iw10wrg wrote

The only people being asked are the people asking to serve in the Senate. I don’t normally ask that people for the their tax records, but we fairly ask that if our politicians. I’m not even saying he needs to release his whole medical record; if he has some sort of disparaging historical detail, that obviously doesn’t matter. He would only need to release the records specifically related to his stroke and diagnosis. But releasing a letter is a deliberate evasion.


gentlestuncle t1_iw0f8fq wrote

As a citizen of PA, Fetterman definitely has not proven to me that he’s totally fine. He could release the medical records around his stroke any day and clear up all doubt, but he hasn’t done that. And the fact that he hasn’t done that certainly suggests that his doctors think something other than he’s totally fine. If his doctors were writing “John Fetterman is 100% of the man he was before the stroke,” don’t you think he would have been kicking in doors at the Post Gazette to get it published?

He COULD be fine, but he could also not be fine. And as the public servant, it’s on him to prove it.

Edit: it’s wild that this has turned into a downvote party. He 100% has not proven he’s fine. There is no chance whatsoever people would accept the same evidence if it was Donald Trump, and rightfully so. He’s a public servant, he already won the election, I don’t get why people would stan unnecessarily for this guy.


gentlestuncle t1_iw062oq wrote

Now that the election is over, I think people can admit that no one was impressed by Fetterman in the debate. I see the election as an indictment of Dr. Oz and the GOP way more than I do an endorsement of Fetterman. I think if you could have shown the debate to primary voters the day before the election, people would have overwhelmingly chosen Lamb instead of Fetterman. Maybe he’ll get better, but the performance definitely wasn’t confidence inspiring.