
gettingby02 t1_jacclry wrote

You approached this from the wrong direction. Instead of talking to her about the photos and asking why she likes posting them, you automatically assumed that it was to gain attention. All social media posts are for attention -- attention is not much of an answer to why she posts what she posts. If it makes you uncomfortable, you should've told her this and asked her to stop / remove the pictures without making it seem like she's an attention-seeker. Stating your own boundaries and asking her to respect them doesn't need to involve attacks on her person.

If it's a dealbreaker and she refuses to respect that boundary, then the two of you are just incompatible, and you should find someone who has more similar values. Try to reduce your own controlling / insecure behavior and work on healthy communication skills as well so that your relationship with her (or someone else) can be more healthy.