
gh0stbrain t1_irzay6w wrote

Crazy liberal countries with their 6 month waiting list for basic hospital procedures.

Crazy liberal countries with their 2 years waiting list to see a therapist.

Crazy liberal countries being top 3 for suicide rate on the planet.

Crazy liberal countries being top 5 for domestic violence.

Crazy liberal countries being top 5 for child molestation and rape.

Crazy liberal countries forcing a stay-at-home mandate that skyrocketed unemployment.

Crazy liberal country forces population to get injections and low-key admits afterwards they don't really do shit.

Crazy liberal country finds way to tax poor people even further, by taxing the food they grow which is round-house subsidized by the same people taking their money to meet trade obligations with China.


Dude there's a lot of reasons why NZ is a liberal shithole, now piss off.