
gitarzan t1_ixuh04k wrote

High Efficiency washer? They do hold a little water in the system, under the tub. Don’t leave the lid down between uses. Leaving it up will help immensely, if not totally.

Invest in a pack of washing machine cleaning pods/packets. I run one thru roughly every 6 months.


gitarzan t1_ixu19ee wrote

Tell your friends that you don’t want glasses. You’re used to seeing the world the way you see it now. You’re happy the way it is.

Then never bring it up again.


Just tell them you’re not colorblind, but thought you were as a child, and never fessed because it made you feel unique.


gitarzan t1_iw3p1u3 wrote

I’ve a theory on that. “Dad socks away old coins in underwear drawer. Kid finds coins a puts them back into circulation buying candy, etc.”

I used to run a store and a kid came in every few days and would spend old silver dollars and fifty cent coins. I now have them now in a jar in a closet. I suppose his Dad was really pissed when he found out.


gitarzan t1_iu5yhss wrote

My first IT job gave me one of those about 1992. It was a few years old, I was brought into the shop because I was a PC nut. The rest of the shop, and the facility, used dumb terminals on DEC-Net. It was kind of sluggish already by then. I used to bring in an AOL disk and download apps, copy them to a 3.5” disk and take them home. It was still just dialup, but I could do it non-my time.