
giuliomagnifico OP t1_j1u8ggi wrote

> From a total of 54 patients, 27 received a steroid injection into the shoulder joint, along with physiotherapy and the suprascapular nerve block at the 3-monthly intervals, while the other 27 patients received the steroid injection and physiotherapy with a placebo injection.

>“We found those who received the nerve block reduced the duration of their symptoms by an average of 6 months, while also reporting lower pain and disability scores and improved range of movement, compared to the placebo group,” says Professor Shanahan.

>“For patients in the placebo group, the average time for their symptoms to resolve was over 11 months, while for those who received the nerve block this was practically halved, down to around 5 and half months.”


giuliomagnifico OP t1_j1d7p5l wrote

Weird findings

> The gap dividing capital’s share of value added from labor’s share is inequality, Shin explains. And when that gap widens—when capital’s share far outweighs labor’s, for instance—inequality can be said to be rising.

>After analyzing data on 24 democratic countries from 1947 to 2006, Shin and Peters found that rising inequality is linked with both stricter and more lenient immigration policies.


giuliomagnifico OP t1_j19seb9 wrote

Guys we are fucked :)

> “The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) is the closest thing we have in the geologic record to anything like what we’re experiencing now and may experience in the future with climate change,”

> The findings also indicated the onset of the PETM lasted about 6,000 years. Previous estimates have ranged from several years to tens of thousands of years. The timing is important to understand the rate at which carbon was released into the atmosphere, the scientists said

> “We are now emitting carbon at a rate that’s five to 10 times higher than our estimates of emissions during this geological event that left an indelible imprint on the planet 56 million years ago.”


giuliomagnifico OP t1_j0u5z20 wrote


> This study was the first to explore if a savannah-mosaic habitat would account for increased time spent on the ground by our closest living relative, the chimpanzee. The team investigated the behaviour of wild chimpanzees living in the savannah-mosaic habitat in the Issa Valley of western Tanzania, a habitat very similar to the habitats of early hominins.

>It was expected that the Issa chimpanzees would spend more time on the ground and walk upright on two feet more in open savannah vegetation where they cannot easily travel via the tree canopy, like they can in the forests. Moreover, when compared to their forest-dwelling cousins in other parts of Africa, it was expected that the Issa chimpanzees would be more terrestrial overall.

>Instead, compared to chimpanzees living in forest sites, Issa chimpanzees did not spend more time on the ground. The Issa chimpanzees spent just as much time, if not more, in the trees as the forest-dwelling chimpanzees. Moreover, when they used bipedalism, it was almost always in the trees, rather than on the ground, as predicted.


giuliomagnifico OP t1_j0kxktz wrote

Not an analyze on a very big number of patients (nine):

> Nine patients with late-stage prostate cancer performed 34 minutes of high intensity exercise on a stationary cycle, with blood serum collected immediately before and after, and then again 30 minutes post-workout.

>The team found the serum obtained immediately after this “dose” of exercise contained elevated levels of anti-cancer myokines resulting in suppressed growth of prostate cancer cells in vitro by around 17 per cent.

>Serum myokine levels and cancer suppression returned to baseline after 30 minutes


giuliomagnifico OP t1_ixvh9c1 wrote

>Data from 13,216 patients were included in the data set initially; 13,080 responded “no” when asked whether they used e-cigarettes or vapes (99.3%), and 136 responded “yes” (0.69%). There was a statistically significant difference (P < .001) in caries risk levels between the e-cigarette or vape group and the control group; 14.5%, 25.9%, and 59.6% of the control group were in the low, moderate, and high caries risk categories, respectively, and 6.6%, 14.3%, and 79.1% of the e-cigarette or vape group were in the low, moderate, and high caries risk categories, respectively


giuliomagnifico OP t1_ixr6mv2 wrote

Yes, this study doesn’t say that the light is the cause but that “where there’s is more artificial light there’s more diabetes”, not that the light is the cause of the diabetes. There could be lots of connected causes as you said.


giuliomagnifico OP t1_ixmt48e wrote

Not a big improvement but better than nothing, in addition

> A follow-up survey one week later suggested lower prejudice levels were maintained and around 10% of participants had taken actions that further support mental health initiatives, such as fundraising.

Paper here: Parasocial relationships on YouTube reduce prejudice towards mental health issues


giuliomagnifico OP t1_iu98fq1 wrote

I don’t think but a good way to use the space near the solar panels is to use the land as grazing space for goats/cows/sheep/etc… because it’s cold during the summer (not direct sunlight) and the condensation creates water droplets that slip to the ground and help the grass!

I read it on another study:


giuliomagnifico OP t1_itumv38 wrote

Could be!

> As expected by the researchers, study one results showed older music produced more memory recall and the songs were more appreciated. Additionally, the memories associated with older music were also older, more positive and had more downward temporal comparisons — meaning participants felt that while the memories were positive, they also believed their lives were better now than at the time of the memory. Whether a memory was specific or more social did not vary widely, but several variables such as memory recall, memory immersion and positive effect were predictors of appreciation. That suggests people appreciate any type of entertainment that activates a memory, the researchers wrote.