
glad777 t1_it7pl9q wrote

AI at levels has been doubling quarterly since about 2015. The pandemic and the war may have slowed things down a bit. It will not matter as now it is back on track. So math. Let's say Jan 1 2023 is day one. AI is effectively human level give or take in productivity. (really now much better but let's say FSA) We get :


Jan 1 = 1x

Apr 1=2x

July 1=4x

Oct1 =8x


Jan 1 16x

Apr 1 =32x

July 1=64x

Oct 1=128X


Jan 1=256X

Apr 1 =512x

July 1= 1024x

Oct 1 =2048x


Intelligence Spike/Singularity/Unknowable

And this is why humans without major neuro mods CANNOT keep up or understand. This is not 5 years of progress by 2020 standards. This is what Kurzweil predicted for 2049 in 2004. It is going to be much sooner. I would look for tech exceeding Drexlers "Engines of Creation" levels in 2027.

PicoTech 2032 but maybe 2028-2029

FemtoTech 2040 (I hope, but maybe sooner, this is basically magic and messes with reality at levels I hate thinking about.)