
good_fox_bad_wolf t1_j1ekuxf wrote

I think you'll be fine. We meet at 6 at R House on Mondays. There is a parking lot across the street that's free. Usually don't get started until 6:30 so there is some social time beforehand. Feel free to DM me if you decide to go. I'll give you my name and I'm happy to run at your pace for a few weeks. Only caveat is that I may not be around 12/26 or 1/2.


good_fox_bad_wolf t1_j1b9l2j wrote

Monday nights are 3-4 miles, all paces welcome. Saturdays are longer runs and those tend to be a bit quicker and I've had a harder time keeping up so I only do those occasionally... Do you mind if I ask your average pace?