
gooker10 t1_j9q6td2 wrote

For my pergola I did 48” then gravel in the bottom of the hole an some in the sono-tube. No movement in 3+ years. But I was mostly sand in south Burlington.


gooker10 t1_j3wfj74 wrote

how about they reduce their operating costs as a business/utility that's regulated and stop passing everything to the end user/consumer we can't support every hike/raise and cost they encounter specifically in these cold months possibly leading to recession and lost jobs.


gooker10 t1_ivzo6rh wrote

something isn't adding up here. If they have a loan, homeowner's insurance *is required* so either they didn't pay it or don't understand how insurance works?

- if it's 300K house you want 80% coverage and unless their credit is shit, should be like $1,500-2K for the year with a 1k or $1,500 deductible. Others have pointed out what happens if a tree falls on your roof? 25K out of pocket? doesn't add up here...