
gothpunkboy89 t1_jdn0r4m wrote

>These are just my own thoughts and opinions but I have to say as a Playstation fan I'm beginning to get really annoyed and frustrated by them over how much they are complaining about "Call Of Duty" as well as Microsoft stopping them from getting it too

You are getting mad that a company is trying to act in their best interest and by extention the interest of their player base?


gothpunkboy89 t1_jaf0rt7 wrote

A few people no doubt. But only because they think they will get 4k 60 with RT. Which won't actually happen.

I really don't think this Gen needs a pro version because it is lacking the super weak CPU of last generation. Given how far behind AMD is with RT and upscaling compared to Nvidia I would rather they just wait till the end of the console generation to benefit from 8 or so years of hardware and software improvements from AMD.


gothpunkboy89 t1_j6pbkne wrote

>It's minimal effort, and an obvious cash grab.

I don't think you know what cash grab actually means. A cash grab is a product primarily or solely designed with the intent of generating money. Which is basically the entire concept of the video game industry.


>​ Like with Dead Space rn, it's EVERYWHERE with people just worshiping it. Game already came out in 2008,

And they rebuild the entire game from the ground up, including redesigning the ship lay out to make it more fitting.


gothpunkboy89 t1_ixzivcj wrote

>Microsoft indicated there is no intent to make Call of Duty exclusive

They also indicated that Halo would always have a couch cooperative mode. We see how that panned out.

>Also, you write too much,

Then stick to twitter and the 200 character limit.


gothpunkboy89 t1_ixyvkmx wrote

>I gave a random list of games that are PS exclusive that I feel are on par with CoD, and Elder Scrolls.

In what possible way are they equal to Elder Scrolls let alone Call of Duty? In terms of player count and or income?


>​ Replace them with any exclusive title that you wish, as it doesn't affect the core point, which is that CoD and Elder Scrolls are just a drop

Source for this claim please. Preferably sales and income combined to show the full effects. Because those could chase Elder Scrolls tail, CoD is in an entirely different bracket all together.


>​ KOTOR was only announced for PS5 btw.

>That personal connection for Kellogg and Treadwell has new meaning today. Announced at PlayStation Showcase 2021, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic – Remake will see the classic RPG return as a PlayStation 5 console exclusive at launch and for PC.


gothpunkboy89 t1_ixyolww wrote


So how is a limited time exclusivity deal (1 year typically) the same as Elder Scroll 6+ never showing up on PS consoles the same?


>​ Spiderman

Then how is Spiderman in the new Marvel Midnight Sun's game which is being released on Xbox, PC and PS at the same time?


>​ Bloodborne

Really curious why this is listed as it is quite literally an original IP created specifically for Sony by a 3rd party. Something that isn't really a new concept given you have Sunset Overdrive, Crackdown and Gears of War on Xbox all created by 3rd party developers specifically for Xbox systems. I've never really seen anyone complain about Microsoft "taking" Gears of War away from Nintendo and Sony players.


gothpunkboy89 t1_ixyny43 wrote

>Still different from sexual harassment, gender discrimination, ...

But your argument is that they would address the problems. Seems like Microsoft was pretty happy to sit back and let 343's cluster fuck go on for years as 4 and 5 also had issues with launch and missing some basic features.


gothpunkboy89 t1_ixylai1 wrote

> I hope that if the Microsoft-Activision deal goes through then some things might change around in Activision leading to better working conditions for their workers (people like us, no corpo anymore).

Wasn't there big issues with 343 Studios with over work and heavy reliance on temp workers who would take have their time to learn the game engine and then be let go so they didn't have to hire them full time?


Because they launch state of Infinite and how slow they were/are at adding some pretty basic things to the game reeks of some really fucked up working conditions in the studio.