
grafvonorlok t1_j3u1huu wrote

Reply to comment by MikeG782 in Business noise complaint by MikeG782

Hard to say without knowing the specifics but if I was moving in next to a business I'd Google then to see what I can find, talk to prospective neighbors, check with my real estate agent, check up on the local zoning and rules.

I've never looked into property near a business of any sort, I prefer rural areas, but that's all stuff I've done for residential properties.

It sounds like a shitty situation and I hope you can find an amicable solution


grafvonorlok t1_j3tue7i wrote

Reply to comment by MikeG782 in Business noise complaint by MikeG782

I don't want to sound like a dick here but what I'm getting from this story is that you bought a house next to an established business, made an incorrect assumption about their noise and business hours, didn't do any research on the company, contacted them and they made some changes at your request (ineffective but they tried something), and now you want to "do something" based on public health regulations?