
grancuvee1234 t1_j6tfio3 wrote

Firstly, this is both interesting data and a remarkable achievement. To lose 6.5 kgs in a month is enormous - congratulations. That said this means that you're creating a ~1,600 kcal deficit per day (assuming this was through both dietary restriction and exercise). My only word of caution would be to proactively slow down progress from here. A more sustainable weight loss objective would be ~0.5 kg/week, to help maintain endocrine and metabolic function. Even at this rate you'll reach your goal in a mere 15 weeks!

Continuing weight loss at the rate expressed in January will likely disrupt your HPTA and overall metabolic function. Importantly, this rate of weight loss will, undoubtedly, begin to catabolize muscle and lean tissue - there is rarely-to-never a circumstance where you want less muscle, assuming your goals are aesthetics, fitness, longevity, disease prevention, and general human well being. :)