
greatteachermichael t1_ixs01xz wrote

Depends on your specific situation. For me it was quite the opposite. My high school assigned about 4 hours of homework every night, and I also had to have a part-time job that paid barely more than minimum wage and I had to be at work at 7am on weekends. Between work, school, homework, and household chores, I worked far more than my own parents. I barely had any time to hang out with friends. People didn't treated me with respect because I was, "too young to understand."

Meanwhile, I decided as an adult not to have kids to save money and get more free time. I got a good paying job so worrying about bills and rent isn't a thing. I have far more disposable income. I decided to get my MA in Teaching adults rather than children, so my schedule is much more open and I actually have more free time as an adult than as a teen. I have free time to exercise, can plan my own healthy meals, and stretch daily so my back doesn't hurt and I'm actually stronger at 41 than in high school. And not only do people not dismiss my views because of my age, but people actually listen to me because I've built a reputation for researching before having an opinion. Nobody tells me what to do, I can use my free time to travel the world, go hiking, sleep in on weekends, pick up new hobbies, go on dates, or anything else.

Sure, for some people being a teen was great, but pretty much all my friends are way happier being adults.