
greenearrow t1_j9op1cg wrote

This is one of those things where the odds are infinitesimal, but the result of being unlucky are absolutely catastrophic. It happens to very few people. When it happens, your life is over. You will spend the rest of your life looking for and longing for your child to come home. And of course it isn’t just your life that became awful, and the things you may imagine are happening to your child could be exaggerated or wishful thinking, and how will you know?


greenearrow t1_j9jxi1b wrote

My old boss was in the woods showing some ecotourists around and was describing this, and about how half the red millipedes are poisonous (covering their exoskeleton), and the half aren't. She said this as she picked one up to show the group. They asked how she knew the one she picked up wasn't, and she said "I didn't" and then showed them the redness the poison was causing on her hands. She didn't eat it, so it wasn't going to be a real problem, and she'd been in the rainforest enough to know what was going to cause her long term problems and what wasn't.


greenearrow t1_j5u86sk wrote

The article gives the details, but he felt like they fired the last guy for playing too loud, so he'd play the keyboard turned off. He'd practice at home and slowly starting turning the keyboard up until he thought it balanced.