
greenerdoc t1_jacfaxu wrote

If MTA admin expects want to be compensated like private industry why aren't they held to their standards? Would shareholders tolerate going over budget by billions? Why not sign up for performance based compensation? You do well you get rewarded? You do a shit job and you get 20$ an hour.

The MTA runs the way it does the same reason the 2008 financial crisis happened.. there is no accountability.


greenerdoc t1_jaceqaz wrote

Why shouldn't there be tolls?

Should we be aggressive against violent criminals? Rapists? Pedophiles? Or should we just let then break laws to their liking? If you feel that's different it's not, it's just your tolerance for illegal activity is different. If you don't feel like thr laws are fare, fix the laws.


greenerdoc t1_j6ajdew wrote

People always seem to forget that homebuyers amd investors were also are guilty of FOMOing into buying property, leveraging up on their bets, taking loans they had absolutely no business taking out, buying houses they knew they couldn't afford.

This wasn't solely a government or bank thing. What made this work was that everyone was able to pass the risk down to the next party in line because the mortgage credit rating system was fucked (someone rated risky surprime loans as safe as the traditional mortgage because the thought was that everyone pays their mortgage, historically)