
greenknight884 t1_ja3rldn wrote

I would say that manners and social etiquette are more about being considerate of others' comfort rather than communicating something to them. Things like holding the door for a stranger, saying "thank you," offering guests food and drink when they come to your home, are all considered good manners.


greenknight884 t1_j6b1vld wrote

In many jobs young people are working harder, with no guarantee of job security, raises, or promotion. Not even mentioning the lack of a pension plan. You're no longer off the clock at 5pm, you have to frequently do overtime, and many people are having to juggle childcare or other responsibilities as well.


greenknight884 t1_j2flomh wrote

Tim needs to borrow $200 from me, and he wants to pay me back in a month. I don't get anything out of it so I say no. So Tim sweetens the deal, says he'll pay back the $200 plus 10% interest ($20). So I say yes to the deal. The 10% is interest.


greenknight884 t1_j27m8q0 wrote

We classify dementia by the patterns we see in affected brain tissue under the microscope. Amyloid plaques and tau tangles -> Alzheimer's. Lewy bodies -> Lewy body dementia. Pick bodies -> frontotemporal dementia. It's more complex but these are examples of elements that help make a tissue diagnosis.

Since most people don't undergo brain biopsies while alive, the best we can do in a living patient is make an educated guess based on symptoms, and sometimes supplement with specialized imaging and spinal fluid tests.