greenknight884 t1_jao9865 wrote
Reply to comment by kokopilau in TIL "to pull oneself up by one's bootstraps" is an example of an impossible task. The idiom dates at least to 1834, from the Workingman's Advocate: "It is conjectured that Mr. Murphee will now be enabled to hand himself over the Cumberland river or a barn yard fence by the straps of his boots. by meat-juice
See also: "Just a few bad apples"
greenknight884 t1_jaelfhm wrote
Reply to comment by MpVpRb in TIL the legendary story about a janitor who came up with Flamin' Hot Cheetos was a lie. by Station_Emotional
Liar liar, mouth on fire
greenknight884 t1_ja9klos wrote
Reply to comment by Britz10 in Humen is a more logical plural to human than humans. It’s men and women, not mans and womans. by frenglish_man
Do you find something funny about the word "homo anus"???
greenknight884 t1_ja3rldn wrote
Reply to Manners and social etiquettes are the art of telling people the truth without hurting their feelings. by hearsdemons
I would say that manners and social etiquette are more about being considerate of others' comfort rather than communicating something to them. Things like holding the door for a stranger, saying "thank you," offering guests food and drink when they come to your home, are all considered good manners.
greenknight884 t1_j8bxhca wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in TIL The city of Verona, Italy, where Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is set, receives thousands of letters addressed to Juliet every Valentine's Day. The letters are answered by a team of volunteers known as the "Juliet Club." by basictoknow
I don't think they're that kind of letter
greenknight884 t1_j6b1vld wrote
Reply to Parents sometimes scoff when younger generations don't want to work as hard as they did or have kids, but part of why they don't want that is because they witnessed the misery of their parents. by smugglingkittens
In many jobs young people are working harder, with no guarantee of job security, raises, or promotion. Not even mentioning the lack of a pension plan. You're no longer off the clock at 5pm, you have to frequently do overtime, and many people are having to juggle childcare or other responsibilities as well.
greenknight884 t1_j67r9re wrote
Reply to comment by KylieZDM in A lot of people take kindness for weakness, that’s why costumer service workers get mistreated. by PokeManiac16
Nah people treat costume and wardrobe people like crap /s
greenknight884 t1_j5we6w2 wrote
Reply to comment by xPlus2Minus1 in LPT: It is valuable to know when to stop arguing with other people and simply let them be wrong by Dismal_Body_2731
Maybe instead of thinking of it as giving up, think of it as changing tactics. Direct confrontation didn't work, so try something else.
greenknight884 t1_j49xp18 wrote
Reply to comment by CyberNinja23 in TIL that fish skin is used as wound dressing for severe burn injuries, leading to fast and very effective healing. by firesparxx
"One salmon skin roll"
greenknight884 t1_j2flomh wrote
Reply to eli5 Interest is confusing by maddskate
Tim needs to borrow $200 from me, and he wants to pay me back in a month. I don't get anything out of it so I say no. So Tim sweetens the deal, says he'll pay back the $200 plus 10% interest ($20). So I say yes to the deal. The 10% is interest.
greenknight884 t1_j2er5hb wrote
Reply to Whoever started the trend of having sugar as a ingredient in drinks unintentionally killed countless people. by JJeezzyy
How about the person who started the trend of sugar as an ingredient in food? Boy, can't wait for that trend to be over.
greenknight884 t1_j2ds5aw wrote
Reply to TIL Ernest P. Worrell (Ernest Saves Christmas et al.) & Vern were originally created by advertising company Carden & Cherry to promote various local and national brands. Due to the commercials popularity, an Ernest television show and ten movies were made, knowwhatimean? by OptionalPlayer
I remember his commercials for Cerritos Auto Square
greenknight884 t1_j27oeom wrote
Reply to comment by Bee-and-the-Slimes in TIL green beans, pinto beans, kidney beans and many other beans are all the same species of bean. by Zemi99
greenknight884 t1_j27m8q0 wrote
Reply to ELI5: Alzheimer's is dementia, but not all dementia is Alzheimer's. So what is the difference? by degobrah
We classify dementia by the patterns we see in affected brain tissue under the microscope. Amyloid plaques and tau tangles -> Alzheimer's. Lewy bodies -> Lewy body dementia. Pick bodies -> frontotemporal dementia. It's more complex but these are examples of elements that help make a tissue diagnosis.
Since most people don't undergo brain biopsies while alive, the best we can do in a living patient is make an educated guess based on symptoms, and sometimes supplement with specialized imaging and spinal fluid tests.
greenknight884 t1_j27co7k wrote
Reply to comment by Deep-Internal-2209 in The whole family is here by BacklogGamingJunkie
"I'm just restin' ma eyes fer a bit"
greenknight884 t1_j27b79c wrote
Reply to comment by RegulusRemains in The 1984 Dune film makes a lot more sense if The Spice is referred to as Space Cocaine instead. by neoengel
On the planet of IRAQkkis
greenknight884 t1_j22udx3 wrote
Reply to comment by Klin24 in TIL the original 1881 "Pinocchio" was a dark story that included the puppet's execution by hanging for his bad behavior (which included murdering Jiminy Cricket) by foodtower
Zootopia, the bunny gets pregnant and then has an abortion
greenknight884 t1_j1xpc0h wrote
Reply to comment by skunkadelic in Kids realize what you did for them and appreciate it once they have kids of their own. Spouses or SOs don’t realize or appreciate it until you’re gone. by Yourfaceis-23
And plenty of kids are forever ungrateful to their parents
greenknight884 t1_iyd67u1 wrote
Reply to comment by Anonynous2206 in LPT: If someone shows you their art, find at least one detail you enjoy: by Grass1323
"The five year old who must have painted this is very talented!"
greenknight884 t1_iyaucb6 wrote
Reply to TIL the guy who played Nick the bartender in "It's a Wonderful Life," Sheldon Leonard, became one of the most successful TV producers in history, having created the Andy Griffith Show, Dick Van Dyke, among many others. As a tribute, the two main characters on "Big Bang Theory" were named after him. by latchkey_adult
Was there another producer named Raj Howard?
greenknight884 t1_iy9ym3i wrote
Reply to comment by DoYaWannaWanga in TIL that, to prove that a jellyfish caused Irukandji syndrome, a scientist stung himself, his son, and a lifeguard with the jellyfish. by SabreYT
Imagine all the people, living for today
greenknight884 t1_ixf63ks wrote
Reply to comment by series_hybrid in I always watch Die Another Day before having a microwave dinner by E420CDI
A run-by fruiting!
greenknight884 t1_ix6y50s wrote
Reply to comment by IMakeBandNames in Man Discovers Rare Medieval Wedding Ring Worth an Estimated $47,000 While Using His Metal Detector by EyeWantItThatWay
My preciousss
greenknight884 t1_iwxf2p0 wrote
Reply to comment by Ulgeguug in TIL in response to infamously high suicide rates at Mapo Bridge in Seoul, South Korea, the bridge was adorned with suicide prevention messages and uplifting photos. These measures weren't enacted by the government, however, instead the entire project was financed by Samsung's life insurance division by evilclownattack
"HANG" in all caps
greenknight884 t1_jeg6o97 wrote
Reply to comment by MurkDiesel in ELI5: If the chemical dopamine stimulates a 'feel good' sensation, is there a chemical that makes us angry? by Kree_Horse
Also anyone who watches cable news