
greenman5252 t1_j8gocb3 wrote

Of hunger. The same overproduction of co2 that was seen in BS2 is occurring from the global overuse of N as fertilizer. Increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere lead to heating and increasingly reactive temperatures and precipitation. There will be some bad heat wave days and drought seasons sufficient to create crop failures leading to famine starting among the bottom of the socioeconomic hierarchy. You see this happening in Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Afghanistan, and Pakistan currently while in more economically privileged countries it is only manifesting as higher prices at every level of the food chain.


greenman5252 t1_j8glfaf wrote

The actual end result of the biosphere research clearly indicated that ecosystems with humans and agriculture are unbalanced and will remain unbalanced. The smaller the system, the more rapidly things go awry. The system comprising the entire earth has been slowly going sideways for quite some time but there has been a very very large buffer. What happened in biosphere 2 at a small scale is essentially what is happening on the earth at a large scale.