
greenwavelengths t1_j2qp83c wrote

Reply to comment by Aseyhe in How do galaxies move? by modsarebrainstems

Do we know that the early universe wasn’t uniformly dense because of, like, mathematical laws, or is it an inference we make from the fact that it is currently not uniformly dense and therefore must not have started that way?


greenwavelengths t1_iyne9be wrote

It’s sort of a myth that we automatically just have better hygiene standards today than at any given time in the past. Times like the last few centuries in Europe, sure— bad hygeine, there’s evidence of that. But if we have a desire to be clean now, then chances are we’ve had a desire to be clean for hundreds of thousands of years and figured out how to do it with the tools and resources available to us.


greenwavelengths t1_iykfw56 wrote

The sun shining through autumn leaves is one of the most beautiful things in the universe. It shares a particular visual quality with nebulae, and I love it. The way the light bounces between thousands of leaves and emanates back out in a dazzling glow makes me very happy!

Edit: apparently it’s not autumn? I’m learning things today. Everything I said still stands; I very much support the fictitious edit. I think it looks tight as fuck.