
gribisi t1_jdv4ano wrote

Reply to comment by The8thHammer in How about a Mondaily? by popeboyQ

Yea, so much more to food service management than people think. They see chef/chef manager/food service director, and they think oh he can cook. Great, what does that do for our company.. you try to explain the different sides of it, and some/most get stuck on the chef word.

I'm looking forward to if I do get this job to having my weekends back. most of the time.


gribisi t1_jdv2vwp wrote

Reply to comment by The8thHammer in How about a Mondaily? by popeboyQ

Thanks, I know. I've been in it since I was 15, with a short break at 46.
Fortunately for me, I have tons of management experience(budgeting, HR, MS/Google Docs, leadership, and all that), so I'm hopeful that will help sell myself. It will initially be a pay cut, but longer-term salary should balance out.

I'll let you know!


gribisi t1_jduv7ta wrote

First real job interview in 20 years +- (I'm almost 50 currently employed but looking for something new) a bit nervous. Previous job interviews were just kind of "required" as I moved up the ladder. I'm hoping to change my final career path...

Edit: video/teams interview, which I think could be worse than in person, but at least the job is wfh not the 6 day a week food management position I currently have.


gribisi t1_j5538pm wrote

I lived in mons(SHAPE) for 6.5 years as a kid was fluent in flemish and French. Now I just just barely understand.. Happy birthday Oma!